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Sexaholics Anonymous Correctional Facilities Committee (SACFC)

The SACFC is a national committee made up of local members who are dedicated to carrying the SA message to incarcerated sexaholics. We support members, groups and Intergroups in their work with correctional facilities by providing them with literature that is commonly used by our members during 12-Step work and by sharing with them the experience, strength and hope that Sexaholics Anonymous has gained over time doing this work.

For those interested in the SACFC, it is important to keep in mind that Sexaholics Anonymous does not:

  1. Require that anyone become a member of SA in order to receive any of our services.
  2. Provide initial motivation to anyone to work our program.
  3. Require anything of our members.
  4. Keep attendance records or case histories of our members.
  5. Provide letters of reference to parole boards, lawyers, or court officials.
  6. Supply information about halfway houses, job opportunities, or treatment programs.
  7. Work with any correctional facilities unless we have the full support of the proper authorities.


The work of our committee relies on the support and involvement of local members. Each member who agrees to serve as a correctional facilities representative plays a vital link in our efforts to carry the SA message. When an inquiry from a prisoner or prison official arrives at Sexaholics Anonymous, that inquiry is forwarded to a local representative. The local membership then decides how best to respond. If desired, they may ask the committee for input regarding what other members have done in similar situations. If there is no local representative, then another committee member will answer the request.

In a few areas of the country local members have formed SACFC committees within their Intergroups. Generally, it is more common to have one or two people perform this type of service work. We recommend that at least two people go on any 12-Step calls related to service work in correctional facilities. We also recommend that the members involved in prison service have the support of their sponsors, local group and/or Intergroup.

If you are interested in serving as a representative for our committee, please see below for our contact information.


The primary purpose of Sexaholics Anonymous is to help sexaholics who still suffer. For sexaholics in correctional institutions, we offer the following services:

Complimentary SA Literature: When requested by a prisoner or correctional official, this service will ship free copies of SA literature such as the SA manual (The White Book), our ESSAY Magazine, brochures such as “SA to the Newcomer” and “SA As a Resource for the Health and Helping Professional”, as well as a literature request form.

Sponsor-by-Mail Service: Working the Steps is vital to SA recovery. This service links prisoners with members on the outside who can help them work the Twelve Steps of Sexaholics Anonymous. If you want to be sponsored, or if you are interested in becoming a sponsor, then please contact the SACFC by email, phone, or letter. We have developed a Sponsor-by-Mail packet which addresses the special requirements of sponsorship by mail and which allows the prisoner to safely work through their Steps. This packet can be sent by mail or email.

Meeting Service: This service supports prisoners and officials who want to start SA meetings in their correctional facilities. Sometimes we can help by providing prison officials with additional information. If there is a local SA group, we may be able to arrange for members of that group to visit correctional officials and/or attend meetings in that facility.

Connection Service: This service provides parolees with the nearest SA contact. This information may be obtained by contacting the SACFC prior to or just after the prisoner is released.

Contact Information

Sexaholics Anonymous Correctional Facilities Committee (SACFC)

PO Box 3565, Brentwood, TN 37024-3565
Phone number: (615) 370-6062
Toll-free: (866) 424-8777
E-mail: saico@sa.org

I am responsible. When anyone,
anywhere reaches out for help,
I want the hand of SA always to be there.
And for that: I am responsible.