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SW FL 12 Step Workshop

January 6, 2024

Do you have a problem with porn, masturbation, sexual activity, lust thinking, and destructive behaviors?
Do you want help working the steps?

12 Step Workshop

Hosted by the Thursday 1:00 pm SA Bonita Springs, FL group:
We Lost Our Legs!

1 – Day Saturday January 6, 2024
Registration begins at 8:30 am Workshop 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Snacks, Refreshments, and Lunch included
Unity Church – Bonita Springs, Florida (15 miles south of Ft. Myers, FL
28285 Imperial Pkwy, Bonita Springs, FL 34135

Space is Limited: Register Now
Registration Fee: $24.00 | Register On-Line at www.welol.org

Mike S. (239) 322-0044 | Mike M. (630) 479-1409 | Harvey A. (615) 473-3023
saswflorida@gmail.com | www.welol.org

What we’ll do: Work the 12 Steps of Sexaholics Anonymous (SA), as described in the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book, in a small group setting, and guided by sober and experienced S.A. members. You’ll achieve a spiritual awakening and gain freedom from lust obsession and sexual compulsion.

Who should attend: Anyone who has a problem with lust-driven addiction, obsession, compulsion, or actions and wants to stop.

Experienced Facilitators: Facilitators have maintained sexual sobriety, actively work with S.A. Sponsors,
sponsor other members, have completed the 12 steps, and are actively trying to “carry the message”. Notably, Harvey A., has worked for over 39 years, with many members to achieve peace and freedom.

What to bring: Just yourself! Workbooks, clipboards, pens, paper, refreshments and a light buffet lunch will all be provided.

Registration and Contact: Space is limited, registration now at www.welol.org. Call, text, or email us at (630) 479-1409 and saswflorida@gmail.com


January 6, 2024


Unity of Bonita Springs Christian Church
28285 Imperial Pkwy
Bonita Springs, FL 34135 United States


SA Bonita Springs, FL “We Lost Our Legs” Group