[Events listed here are presented solely as a service and are not endorsed by ESSAY or SAICO.]

Register for an Event

We are accepting online registrations for the following conventions (click to register):

Upcoming International Conventions

[Currently there are no international conventions scheduled.]

Local/Regional Events

April 11 - 13, 2025
SA & S-Anon NWR Spring Retreat
Location: Sumas, WA, United States
For More Information:
Web: https://s-events.regfox.com/nwr-2025-sa-s-anon-spring-retreat

[Please note: Since international calling protocols differ from country to country, we include only the country codes, area code, and number given by the local contacts. Please consult an international operator for guidance on making international calls.]

Send in your event to be listed in Essay and on this web page. Please submit the following information: dates, theme, location, and contact(s). An event flyer is very helpful. Send event information to saico@sa.org.