SA is for WomenAs the Fellowship grows in numbers and in sexual recovery, so too, is the number of women in SA and their depth of recovery growing. Those who seek recovery are finding in SA the help and a spiritual solution to overcome our once once-hopeless addiction. Contents: How to know if SA is right for you In Sexaholics Anonymous, women have found a way to stay stopped from Working the program of SA Members Share Download Pamphlet...
The SA Correctional Facilities Committee
The SA Correctional Facilities CommitteeThe SACFC is a national committee made up of local members who are dedicated to carrying the SA message to incarcerated sexaholics. We support members, groups and Intergroups in their work with correctional facilities by providing them with literature that is commonly used by our members during 12-Step work and by sharing with them the experience, strength and hope that Sexaholics Anonymous has gained...
SA as a Resource for the Health & Helping Professional
SA as a Resource for the Health & Helping ProfessionalIn your practice as a helping professional, you may have occasion to counsel someone who is experiencing unmanageability in his or her life due to sexually destructive thinking and behavior. Table of Contents What is Sexaholics Anonymous? A Resource for You How the Program Works Meetings Anonymity SA and Sexaholism What Some Health and Helping Professionals Have Learned Some Common...
SA Sponsorship
SA SponsorshipSponsorship is a cornerstone of our Sexaholics Anonymous recovery program. Table of Contents Introduction Taking Direction from a Sponsor Does My Sponsor Have to Be a member of SA? Member Share: I Can’t Do it Alone Taking Direction from a Higher Power Member Share: Sponsorship Helps Me Be Obedient to God Purchase Paper Copies Download Pamphlet...
To The Newcomer
To The NewcomerNewcomers like yourself often have a lot of questions about our program. This pamphlet will attempt to answer some of them. Table of Contents Welcome to SA! What is SA? What is sexual sobriety? How can I stay healthy without some kind of sexual outlet? Is SA like group therapy? How can I become a member? How much will it cost me to join? I admit I’ve been overdoing it with sex. Can’t I just cut down a little? How can I tell If...