To The Newcomer

To The NewcomerNewcomers like yourself often have a lot of questions about our program. This pamphlet will attempt to answer some of them. Table of Contents Welcome to SA! What is SA? What is sexual sobriety? How can I stay healthy without some kind of sexual outlet? Is SA like group therapy? How can I become a member? How much will it cost me to join? I admit I’ve been overdoing it with sex. Can’t I just cut down a little? How can I tell If...

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Why Stop Lusting?

Why Stop Lusting?Many of us came to Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) driven to total despair by our destructive sexual thoughts and behaviors. Within the meeting rooms of SA we discovered, to our surprise, that lust was the driving force behind our acting out. Sexual lust is an inordinate thought or feeling that drives us to use ourselves, others, or things for self-centered destructive purposes. The spiritual sickness of lust wants sexual stimulation...

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